I am lying down practising how to float in the water. Euera
We put on the life jackets. It was fun when we put them on.Tevana
We were learaning to float on the ground. Payton
I was lying down. James
We were having a huddle. Terence
I am floating on the water. Eruera
I am holding ontot he bar. Shaney
We are doign a huddle. Seth
I am doing an angel wing. Seth
We are doing a huddle. Payton
We are sitting waiting to get into the pool. Jade
I am hopping into the pool. Seth
I am hopping into the pool safley. Jade
The teacher is giving us a rain shower.
The rain shower felt like water. Luke
We played ring a ring a rosie. Shaney
I was floating. Luke
I am floating in the water. Jade